Silhouette designer and friend Emily Dyer is constantly updating her store and I suggested she design some grad cards in her wonderful artful style. She did just that and it's now available at the Silhouette store here. It's fabulous for many many reasons.
I did a double cut on this thicker card stock on blade setting 7 and ran it at a slow speed.
There is so much cleverness in the design because the big STAR is holding the interior in place. It takes out the placement guesswork. Silhouette users will appreciated that.
I modified my scraps to spell out the graduate's name and blinged out with more stars. Love that Emily included a 2014 die cut. So cute.
The cleaverness continues. Where does the money go?
Here's an easy way to make an envelope. Cut a large one down to size. Just eyeball it.
Use a fanny wacker to mark your folding edge and crease it. Cut away top layer of the fold to eliminate bulk. Round the corners and glue bottom shut.
Finis. Well almost. Did I mention the back is fabulous too? I hand wrote Emily's design credits in the star area.