Monday, February 8, 2010

The Off-Season, Part II: Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies

Surprised to find a half bag of kisses left in the cupboard in February, I whipped up a batch of cookies ususally only seen during the holidays. Too lazy to go to the basement to fill up the flour jar, I used one cup regular flour and 3/4 cup whole wheat flour. Tasters were none the wiser.

When I ran out of kisses, I used Swedish Pearl Sugar that I got from my mom for Xmas. Here is a tip from my mom: Hint for pearl sugar:  Put a ball of cookie dough in pearl sugar that is in a small bowl. Flatten slightly. Coat only one side. Sugar will be evenly spaced as cookie spreads while baking. -MOM 

You can make really cook marks in the cookies with this crazy fork.
It's from my "Meaball Magic" set. But that's another story...


  1. Your cookies look good. Great fork. I just bought some Belgium pearl sugar from Kitchen Window. I'm going to try my hand at liege waffles...I have no idea how...will have to scour the Internet.

  2. How lovely! In sweden we make "chokladbollar" for birthdayparies: blend butter, oatmeal, cacao, sugar, vanilla, coffee, make balls, and roll them in pearlsugar ("pärlsocker").
    We also have them on cinnamonrolls ( we don't have frosting on our rolls!) and cookies that we call chocolatecuts.
    Hope u have a happy new year, great blog!
    Warmest greetings from the north of sweden.
